Spiritual people and Holy books give accounts of persons who dreamed. These dreams often provided prophecy or revelation concerning past, present and future events. Do your personal dreams provide needed information for you? Is someone (such as a friend, loved one, guide, or person who has died and “passed over�?) trying to tell you something? Can your dreams help you with career, finances, love and/or social issues? Is your subconscious trying to tell yourself something through your dreams? This article will analyze a real dream that a woman had. This article will give the interpretation of the dream. You as the reader will see how dreams, astrology, astrological devices and other worlds (realms) are all connected into One (John 17:17-21; Deuteronomy 6:4; John 10:30-34).
You might remember that when both the Bible’s Daniel and Joseph interpreted dreams they both said that, “the dreams are but One�?. Here is the woman’s dream:
“I have this recurring dream. I am in a lifeless desert. A little black girl (who looks African) is looking at me. She is abandoned. She is hungry and skinny. She is pointing at an evergreen holly. I can tell that the holly is poisonous. What is this dream trying to tell me?�?
First we’ll look at the overall interpretations in this dream. We will then put it all together:
Black-The girl’s color black must be taken into consideration with your entire dream. Black usually refers to your subconscious. Your subconscious is connected to other worlds (realms). Black in this case appears to mean that you are feeling “bleek�? or “concerned�? about thing(s) in your life.
African-When a female dreams about Africa, it denotes that she will do much travel, but will not benefit or feel personal joy from such travel. In fact, she might even loose wealth, emotions, health, and time.
Desert or wilderness-This usually denotes something in your life that has been left (abandoned). It might denote that something in your life needs attention and nurturing. In Tarot Cards, the Empress (Mother Earth) usually appears when nourishing or nurturing is needed. You also see this Empress (Queen) at Revelation 12:1-12.
Female-Child-Girl- Our spirit guides or angels often appear to us in our dreams as youthful, young, mature but beautiful. My deceased Grandmother never appears as an “old lady�?. One of my Grandmother’s favorite Tarot card communications is “Temperance�?. Temperance is a woman over a pool of water blending or compromise which is a form of balance. Balance is a dominant trait of her zodiac sign which is Libra. She also speaks to me through the Justice (scales of Libra) Card and the Strength card. I am the Lion (Leo) and she is the nurturing woman with the Lion. This card is number 8. I recently dreamed about a pool table with an eight ball as one ball “scratched�? into the pocket or hole. The Black ball and the pocket denoted the other world or “world of the dead�? as the Egyptians called it. The “scratch�? was my Grandmother trying to tell me something. And the “pool�? table was “Temperance’s pool�?. Temperance is one of my Grandmother’s favorite Tarot cards to communicate with me. The Black African Female Child in your dream acted as your “spirit�? guide by pointing you to the evergreen holly. I fully believe that this “girl�? was just “you�?, but was also your “guide�?.
Hungry-Skinny-Sick- In the context of your dream it appears that you are being warned. Your present way of decision making and actions will leave you “deserted�? and “impoverished�?. The Black African Girl is pointing you to the “truth�?. For some strange reason, you rejected what she is trying to tell you. So let’s examine what the Black girl (your guide) is trying to tell you (by pointing to it).
The Evergreen Holly-The Holly has two significant interpretations: 1) The Holy signifies holiday festivities, friends, family, partying, and celebrating life. For some reason, you presently view these things as “poisonous�? or “deadly�? to you in some way, 2) The Holy is actually Baal’s possession and belongs to Baal and Ashtoreth’s “grove (2 Kings Chapter 23). The Bible talks a lot about green grass, the fig tree, the fir, the tree strump and other plant life that symbolized Baal and His grove. Baal is the God of the Underworld (or world of the dead). The Bible refers to this location as the “bottomless pit�?, the “sea�?, the “pit�? and other names. Your subconscious and dreams are directly connected to this “location�?. The Jesus of the Bible is taken from Baal’s son Tammuz. That’s where we get the Cross from. You can do your own research to verify this information. When we accept this Truth, we will be in a better position to receive the help that those on the other side are offering us. So the holly and celebrating life is not poisonous. Let’s see why you feel that festivities are poisonous.
Poison-It appears that somewhere in your life, you were led to believe that personally enjoying life was “bad�? and that you should always put the needs of others before your own. Yet, your own inner person (that child) and your spirit guide (that child) are telling you that others will not be there for you, and you will be left totally deserted and destitute. There is totally nothing wrong with putting yourself first and enjoying your life. You only have one life to live. If you associated holidays and festivities with false worship, then this is your Wake Up call. Everything humans do on Earth is directly related to the Gods who caused us to Become. These were called the Elohim in the book of Genesis. Religions just changed the names of these Gods to fit in with their beliefs.
Dream Summary: Start putting yourself first. Start having fun. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Actually study the history of religion to see the Truth. There are worlds and realms where beings (many of them are your loved ones who have passed on) are waiting to talk to you. They relentlessly attempt to get your attention. Your dreams and subconscious is one of their best means to contact you.
This article can be freely distributed and/or edited as long as credit is given to its author.
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