Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Another Example of Dream Interpretation

In some of my past articles I have discussed the principles for interpreting dreams, given an example of dream interpretation, and written about why we should listen to our dreams. With dreams being both an important means of God communicating with us and because dream interpretation is generally a rather misunderstood concept, I felt it would be good to provide another example of God communicating through dreams. Below is an example of dream interpretation involving a co-worker of mine, a lady who used to edit my materials and take Bible school classes from me at my Christian university and online Bible college. She came to me with the following dream:

In the dream, she entered her house and smelled smoke. She went upstairs looking for the fire but she couldn’t find it. Then she looked downstairs, but could not find it. She went into the kitchen and the smoke smell was stronger. She opened upper kitchen cabinets and could not find the fire. She opened the lower kitchen cabinets, flames leapt out, and she awoke.

At the time, we could not understand what the dream was saying. Two months later, she went to the doctors with an intestinal ailment which was diagnosed as inflammation of the intestines. It was a stress-related disease, and the doctor put her on medication which took care of the inflammation.

Do you see that her dream was warning us of this physical ailment two months before the doctor diagnosed it?

Her dream said, “In her house there was a fire.�? Her house was the place that she lived - her body.

The fire was in the kitchen. The kitchen is the place we eat, and thus symbolized her digestive tract.

The fire was not in the upper cabinets, which would symbolize her upper digestive region, or her stomach.

It was in the lower kitchen cabinets, which would symbolize her lower digestive region - her intestines.

The dream said, “In your intestines, there is a fire,�? two months before the doctor diagnosed it.

A year later the dream returned. She realized immediately that if she did not relax, the stress she was experiencing would bring another visit to the doctor’s office. She did relax and was able to offset another attack. Awesome counsel! Worth listening to, and worth acting upon. This is an example of a subjective dream which was talking about things taking place within the individual. It was providing her with God’s counsel, instructing her of calamity to come if she did not mend her ways. WOW!

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