Dream interpretation is like the Internet: you can open many windows that lead you to another level of knowledge as you research the content of your psyche and your reality, in addition to learning to understand how people around you think, feel and sense.
You only have to write down your dreams. Write them down and wait. When you have around 5 dreams in your notebook or PC file, you will start to understand how to interpret them because you can relate the messages you received. This will be the beginning. Continue writing your dreams every day, and after many dreams, you’ll see the complete picture of what is happening in your psyche and around you.
Of course, it is essential to have a glossary with the dream symbols, which have been elucidated according to the scientific method of dream interpretation discovered by the psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Jung. I am a writer and have improved this method and can provide you a relevant glossary in my ebook, while Jung was too ignorant to do so. I continued his research and discovered that craziness is actually caused by the anti-conscience, which is untamed and very violent.
Only someone who is not a psychologist or psychiatrist could discover the existence of this wild conscience (anti-conscience) because all scientists follow the same basis for their research. However, their foundation is wrong. The same thing happened when the human beings believed that Earth was flat, whereas it turned out to be actually spherical. They looked for solutions based on the wrong impression about the Earth and therefore, none of their conclusions were correct.
All psychiatrists and psychologists believe that our conscience is right and we have to do what it tells us, even if we accept advice from someone else. Most people in our world think exactly the same.
However, my discoveries obtained by interpreting dreams revealed that the human conscience is absurd, ignorant and idiotic whereas the unconscious that produces our dreams is wise and saintly. Jung had concluded that the human being should listen to the advice of the unconscious mind but always do what one’s own conscience decides.
He thought that the wise unconscious that produces dreams to cure us from depression and craziness would also cause craziness. This is because Jung could not find another explanation, and he was afraid to continue investigating this finding. He accepted ignorance and stopped his research at a certain point. He was guided by the unconscious as well because he was not ready to learn the entire truth.
My research was not based only on the previous notions of the scientific world but also on the facts that I observed as a poetess. In addition, I could observe the works of many scientists that were consistent with each other, and all these resources revealed the same reality. Therefore, I abandoned the rule of my own conscience and followed only the directions I received in my dreams and symbols of daily life (that can be interpreted like dreams) that were sent by the wise and saintly unconscious mind.
No scientist would ever agree to do so; however, I did this because I clearly saw how crazy the human conscience was and I understood that far more craziness could originate only from the conscience and not from the unconscious as Jung mistakenly believed. Only the conscience shows us several signs of craziness and not the perfect unconscious mind that works like a doctor.
This is why I discovered that the human being is basically a monster and that one has to tame this violent nature and learn how to live peacefully, respect others and help them, so that one is happy and everyone in this world is happy too.
The other factor that the scientists ignore is that happiness is impossible on Earth because of the terror and violence that exist here. Terror destroys everything. This is why schizophrenia and psychosis and all the terrible mental illnesses that torture our population exist. Everything starts in our own psyche, which worsens in the crazy world we live in.
Everything in our world pushes us towards the labyrinth of craziness, helping the anti-conscience destroy our conscience completely. It is completely impossible to cure schizophrenia, psychosis or any mental illness in a world governed by terrorism, violence, immorality, corruption, greed, hypocrisy and futility.
If everything in our world is absurd, how can our population be balanced, calm and happy?
On the other hand, if the human being is a monster that has to be tamed and taught wisdom, how could one create a world that would be different than one’s own nature? One could only create a hell characterized by poverty, prostitution, wars, cruelty and indifference to human pain.
The solution for humanity and especially for each individual is dream interpretation, which is synonymous with craziness prevention. Everyone must prevent craziness as soon as possible, since it already exists in our psyche and even characterizes our conscience. With the invasion of the anti-conscience into the conscience, one becomes crazier, until one gets lost in the labyrinth of craziness.
We see dreams every time we sleep because the wise unconscious tries to save us when we sleep from the inherent craziness, so that the anti-conscience cannot invade our minds. The unconscious sends us mysterious messages that we have to learn how to decipher because if they could be easily understood by our conscience, the anti-conscience would understand them as well and distort them. We would then have no protection against craziness.
Depression is a warning that craziness is coming or that it has already arrived. You have to do something to change your life and behavior; otherwise, your depression can become a neurosis, which can easily worsen in a very short period of time if you do not treat yourself.
You need not go anywhere or pay any doctor. The wise unconscious is your doctor, the best that you could ever find. You only have to write down your dreams daily and relate them and study their meaning after translating dream symbols into words. You also have to follow its guidance to completely develop your conscience, forever eliminating the anti-conscience.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Find a Doctor Who Can Save you From Depression and All Mental Illnesses
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Seven Reasons We Should Listen to Our Dreams
Some believe dreams are just random firings of the synapses in our brain. Others say that dreams are one of the brain’s ways of processing information from previous day. But is that what the Bible teaches us about dreams?
I don’t believe it is.
The Bible both tells us that God communicates through dreams and give us examples of God communicating with people through dreams. Below I’ll examine some of what I teach in my course about dream interpretation at a Christian university and online Bible college.
Some Scientific Observations Concerning Dreams
Sleep laboratories have proven that everyone dreams one to two hours each night during a certain period of sleep known as alpha level, which is light sleep. Every 90-minute cycle of sleep begins with alpha, then goes into deeper sleep which is called theta, and finally deepest sleep which is called delta.
At the close of the first 90-minute cycle each night, the individual returns to alpha level sleep, where he has a short, five-minute dream period. The next time he cycles up to alpha, he has a ten-minute dream period. The third time in alpha, the dream period is about 15 minutes, and so on. If one sleeps a full eight hours, the entire last hour is essentially spent in alpha level sleep. Thus, the average person sleeping for eight hours a night will dream about one to two hours of that time.
Alpha level sleep is where one has what is called Rapid Eye Movement (REM). Rapid Eye Movement is exactly what it sounds like: the eyes of the dreamer begin moving rapidly. He is actually watching the scenes in the dream, and thus his eyes are literally moving back and forth, observing the action. By observing the alpha level sleep when Rapid Eye Movement occurs, researchers in sleep laboratories have determined when a person is dreaming and how much time is spent dreaming in an average night.
Seven Reasons We Should Listen to Our Dreams
1. God declared that He WOULD speak through dreams and visions in the Old Testament.
And He said, “Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream�? (Num. 12:6).
2. God declared that He DID speak through dreams and visions in the Old Testament.
“I have also spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used similitudes, by the ministry of the prophets�? (Hos. 12:10).
3. God declares that He WILL communicate through dreams and visions in the New Testament.
“And it shall come to pass in the last days,�? saith God, “I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams�? (Acts 2:17).
4. God declares that He WILL COUNSEL us at night through our dreams.
I will bless the Lord who has counseled me; Indeed, my mind (inner man) instructs me in the night (Ps. 16:7 NASB).
5. Rather than our dreams being fatalistic, dreams are calling us to change SO WE WILL NOT PERISH.
For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then He openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, That He may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man. He keepeth back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword (Job 33:14-18, emphasis mine).
6. God does very significant things WITHIN dreams. For example, He established the Abrahamic Covenant in a dream.
And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him....And God said to Abram....In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying... (Gen. 15:12,13,18, emphasis mine).
7. God grants supernatural gifts THROUGH dreams.
In Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night: and God said, “Ask what I shall give thee....�?
“Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge Thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this Thy so great a people?�?
“...Behold, I have done according to thy words: lo, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none like thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee....�? And Solomon awoke; and, behold, it was a dream (I Kings 3:5,9,12,15).
What have you been dreaming? What may God be trying to communicate with your through your dreams? I encourage you to take note of your dreams and work to interpret them. If you are not sure how to interpret dreams, please read my previous article, “Principles for Interpreting Dreams�?.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Another Example of Dream Interpretation
In some of my past articles I have discussed the principles for interpreting dreams, given an example of dream interpretation, and written about why we should listen to our dreams. With dreams being both an important means of God communicating with us and because dream interpretation is generally a rather misunderstood concept, I felt it would be good to provide another example of God communicating through dreams. Below is an example of dream interpretation involving a co-worker of mine, a lady who used to edit my materials and take Bible school classes from me at my Christian university and online Bible college. She came to me with the following dream:
In the dream, she entered her house and smelled smoke. She went upstairs looking for the fire but she couldn’t find it. Then she looked downstairs, but could not find it. She went into the kitchen and the smoke smell was stronger. She opened upper kitchen cabinets and could not find the fire. She opened the lower kitchen cabinets, flames leapt out, and she awoke.
At the time, we could not understand what the dream was saying. Two months later, she went to the doctors with an intestinal ailment which was diagnosed as inflammation of the intestines. It was a stress-related disease, and the doctor put her on medication which took care of the inflammation.
Do you see that her dream was warning us of this physical ailment two months before the doctor diagnosed it?
Her dream said, “In her house there was a fire.�? Her house was the place that she lived - her body.
The fire was in the kitchen. The kitchen is the place we eat, and thus symbolized her digestive tract.
The fire was not in the upper cabinets, which would symbolize her upper digestive region, or her stomach.
It was in the lower kitchen cabinets, which would symbolize her lower digestive region - her intestines.
The dream said, “In your intestines, there is a fire,�? two months before the doctor diagnosed it.
A year later the dream returned. She realized immediately that if she did not relax, the stress she was experiencing would bring another visit to the doctor’s office. She did relax and was able to offset another attack. Awesome counsel! Worth listening to, and worth acting upon. This is an example of a subjective dream which was talking about things taking place within the individual. It was providing her with God’s counsel, instructing her of calamity to come if she did not mend her ways. WOW!
Monday, June 14, 2010
A guide to dream interpretation
Most of us dream. But only a very small percentage of us understands that dreams hold much importance and opportunity for our self growth, improvement and self discovery. But many mystics of both Eastern and Western origins are aware of the fact that dreams hold a wealth of untapped knowledge. Because of its inherently vague nature, dreams and the art of interpreting them never entered mainstream sciences. Jungian psychology is the closest mainstream science that took dreams seriously.
This article is a concise description of the method of dream interpretation that I use. There are several points/guidelines to take note.
The dreams are often symbolic representations of what we are experiencing or are about to experience in the near future. I have found that my dreams often convey messages of occurrences that will most likely happen within a month or so.
Usually the people that we encounter in the dream symbolize the different aspects/characteristics of ourselves. For example: a woman may represent a feminine aspect of oneself even when one is male in the waking hours. Much of our repressed tendencies also tend to manifest themselves as characters in dreams as well.
Have you ever wondered why we sometimes appear and behave so differently in our dreams. Well, my take is that dreaming offers an outlet for us to be 'somebody else' that we never had the opportunity to be during our waking hours.
- Often how we feel and the emotion we felt during the dream reveals and conveys much about the meaning of the symbols.
Intuition and the willingness to examine ourselves with brutal honesty are two very important factors for successful analysis.
Below is a list of commonly encountered symbols. In my opinion, we should always take into consideration the fact that symbols hold certain semantics and meanings that are specific to individuals. Thus the interpretations of symbols are not generic and therefore there can be no hard and fast rules with regards to dream analysis.
Common dream symbolism
Water- associated with emotion.
Ocean or any large body of water - often represents the subconscious mind. The state of the sea often is an indication of the emotional state as well
Eating/digesting- Trying to understand an issue/situation
Walking- associated with learning and assimilating.
Path, road or pavement- symbolises life or spiritual Path/journey
House- symbolises our self. Within the house, the various rooms could represent the various aspects of self.
Snake- symbolises knowledge.
Tree and forest - subconscious feelings that governs our emotions
Bridge- a transitional phase or period of transformation / change
Below is an example of a dream and its interpretation.
Miss A was visiting a foreign country. She boarded a train that has a stop in a shopping complex that meanders through mountains and terrains. She remembered telling the train driver that she wanted to alight in the shopping centre so that she can find her way home.
Instead of alighting at the intended destination, she alighted at a strange place. She had difficulty getting to her destination. She contacted her partner (boyfriend). Though they communicated through the phone, she was still stuck and lost in that unfamiliar place. By this time, she was starting to get depressed. In the moment of depression, she woke up from the dream.
Symbolism involved
Foreign country- unknown knowledge, new experience Train- accelerated learning and understanding Through mountains and terrains- ups and downs Find the way home- spiritual path Train-in-charge - guiding aspect Her partner - male/ mental aspect Queen shopping center station - an intermediate stage that must be attained.
Miss A is currently experiencing and/or learning something that is still unknown to her. It is something that is rather difficult for her to grasp and apply. She is/will be experiencing some feelings of ups and downs. However, if understood, the newfound understanding and knowledge could significantly accelerate her self-growth and discovery. However, for the time being, it is something not within her experience yet (as symbolized by alighting at a strange place instead of the designated station). When she tried contacting her male partner (which symbolizes using her mental reasoning), she was still confused and thus became depressed.
Well, that's all for a quick lesson in dream interpretation. I hope it is informative and beneficial.
Happy Dreaming...